California VC (Vehicle Code) Traffic Violations
We can help with tickets for the following traffic violations in Los Angeles, and many more.Note: if you don't see your violation in this list, then call us at (310) 285-1516 as we may be able to help.
Vehicle Code | Problem | Details |
VC 12500 | Unlicensed driver | Living and driving in California but not having a California license or having an expired California drivers license ...more |
VC 12810.5 | Negligent Operator | The DMV wants to suspend your license for having too many tickets and 4 points in a year or 6 points in 2 years ...more |
VC 14601.1 | Driving on a suspended license | Driving on a suspended license because you have a failure to appear on your drivers license ...more |
VC 14601.2 | Driving on a suspended license due to a DUI | You must do everything you can to get your license reinstated and try to avoid this stiff punishment. ...more |
VC 14602.6 | Impounded car | Your car was impounded because you or the driver were unlicensed. ...more |
VC 16028 a | No proof of insurance | No proof of insurance (financial responsibility). ...more |
VC 16028 c | No Insurance: accident | DMV wants to suspend your license for an accident and you did not have insurance at the time. ...more |
VC 20002 | Hit and Run | You have been charged with a Hit and Run. ...more |
VC 21655.5 b | Carpool lane | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 21655.8 | Crossing double lines | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 22348 b | Driving over 100 mph | Driving over 100 mph (VC 22348 b). ...more |
VC 22349, VC 22350 | Speeding violations | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 23103 | Reckless driving | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 23109 | Speed Contest | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 23111 | Throwing lit cigarette out of car | VC 23111 requires a mandatory court appearance in front of a Judge. ...more |
VC 23112 | Littering | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 23222 a | Open container | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 23222 b | Possession of marijuana in car | Call us at (310) 285-1516. We can help. |
VC 40508 a | Warrant for your arrest | There is a warrant for your arrest (bench warrant, arrest warrant or failure to appear warrant). ... more |
VC 40508 b | FTP Failure to Pay | See our explanation of FTP Failure to Pay |
VC 40508, VC 40509.5 | FTA Failure to Appear | A traffic ticket that has turned into a Failure to Appear (FTA) that has caused your license to be suspended. ...more |
Violations and Points on your license
To see a complete list of violations (California VC codes) that put points on your license, with the number of points each one puts on your license, see points on your license/ violations point count.
California DMV Point System
See How the California DMV point system works - including how you mask (hide) points from your license, how to save your license from suspension, and why we recommend you fight your traffic ticket.
We can help
If you were cited for any of the above traffic violations call us to speak with a Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney for a free legal consultation to discuss what happened and what your options are (310) 285-1516 .

We fix your license problems. Call us now so we can help you (310) 285-1516.