We can get your Red Light Camera Ticket DISMISSED if you were not the driver in the Photos
If you received a Red Light Camera Ticket in the mail in your name and you were not the Driver in the Photos, please call (310) 285-1516 to speak to a Red Light Camera Ticket Lawyer who specializes in getting Red Light Camera Tickets dismissed if you were not the driver in the photos.
Did you receive a Red Light Camera Ticket in the mail in your name and you were not the Driver in the photos? If so, we can get your Red Light Camera Ticket completely dismissed if you were the not driver so the Red Light Camera violation and DMV point does not go on your record and so you don’t have to pay any court fines.
We specialize in getting Red Light Camera Tickets dismissed when the person named on the ticket was not the driver in the photos.
Click the following + signs or headings to expand:-
If you received a Red Light Camera Ticket in any of these cities or areas:
- a Beverly Hills Red Light Camera Ticket
- a Culver City Red Light Camera Ticket
- a Montebello Red Light Camera Ticket
- a Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority Red Light Camera Ticket
- a Hawthorne Red Light Camera Ticket
- a City of Commerce Red Light Camera Ticket
- a City of Covina Red Light Camera Ticket
- a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department MTA Red Light Camera Ticket
- a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department East Los Angeles Station Red Light Camera Ticket
- a City of Garden Grove Police Department Red light Camera Ticket
- or a City of Los Alamitos Red Light Camera Ticket
… AND YOU WERE NOT THE DRIVER IN THE PHOTOS, PLEASE CALL to speak directly to a Red Light Camera Ticket Lawyer at (310) 285-1516 so we can get your Red Light Camera Ticket completely dismissed for you so you don’t have to pay a court fine or have a DMV point go on your record which can negatively impact your insurance rates.
If you received a City of Beverly Hills Automated Enforcement Traffic Violation letter for a Red Light Camera violation and you were not the driver in the photos, please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed for you so you don’t have to pay the fine and have a DMV point go on your record.
If you received a Notice of traffic violation from the City of Culver City Police Department for a Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed at the Santa Monica Courthouse for you including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority Automated Enforcement Traffic Violation for a Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed for you including all the fines and DMV point. Metropolitan Transportation Authority Red Light Cameras are issued in areas and intersections near Metro/MTA lines like the Blue Line, Gold Line, the Orange Line and Expo Line, and your ticket will typically be heard in the Van Nuys or Metropolitan Courthouse.
If you received a Montebello Police Department Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed at the Metropolitan Courthouse for you including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a City of Commerce Police Department Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed at the Metropolitan Courthouse for you including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a City of Covina Police Department Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed at the West Covina Courthouse for you including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department MTA RLC Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed for you including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department East Los Angeles Station Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed at the Metropolitan Courthouse for you including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a City of Garden Grove Police Department Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed for you at the West Justice Center in Westminster including all the fines and DMV point.
If you received a City of Los Alamitos Police Department Red Light Camera Ticket and you were not the driver in the photos please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed for you at the West Justice Center in Westminster including all the fines and DMV point.
If you were not the driver in the photos, Do not pay the ticket and Do not change the name on the ticket by sending in an affidavit of non-liability or declaration. Please call us at (310) 285-1516 instead because we can go to court for you so you do not have to appear, and we can get your red light camera ticket completely dismissed if you were not the driver in the photos. We specialize in getting Red Light Camera Tickets dismissed so it does not go on the record of the person named on the ticket if they were not the driver in the photos.
If you are the registered owner of the car and a red light camera ticket was mailed to you and you were not the driver in the photos before you pay the ticket or send in an affidavit of non-liability or declaration to change the name on the ticket to the person driving the car in the photos, please call to speak to a Red Light Camera Lawyer at (310) 285-1516 because:-
- We can get your red light camera ticket dismissed so you don’t have this ticket go on your record.
- We can get the ticket dismissed so it also does not go on the record of the person driving in the photos.
- We can get your Red Light Camera ticket completely dismissed so you don’t have to pay any court fines or have to do Traffic School.
- We go to court for you so you do not have to appear in court nor does the person in the photos have to go to court. We will goto court for you and get your red light camera ticket dismissed if the named person on the ticket was not the driver in the red camera light photos.
If you received a Red Light Camera Ticket and the Ticket is in the name of a Business, Company, Trucking Company, or a Corporation or a Limited Liability Company, we can get this red light camera ticket completely dismissed so it does not affect the business or the driver in the photos.
Please call us at (310) 285-1516 if your car or truck is registered as a business, corporation, company, trust, or LLC and you received a red light camera ticket in the name of the business, corporation, trust, company, or LLC (Limited Liability Company) because we can get this red light camera ticket completely dismissed including all the fines and DMV point so it does not affect the business or the driver in the photos.
Don’t pay a red light camera ticket that was issued to the name of a Business or Corporation or Company or Trust or a LLC and don’t send in the Affidavit of Non-Liability instead call us at (310) 285-1516 so we can discuss how we can help you get this red light camera ticket dismissed.
If you are a truck driver and your trucking company received a red light camera ticket in the name of the company please call a Red Light Camera Lawyer at (310) 285-1516 so we can get this red light camera ticket dismissed so it does not affect the company or the driver in the photo’s DMV record.
If your red light camera ticket has been transferred to a collection agency because you failed to appear by the due date or you never received the red light camera ticket in the mail and you were not the driver in the photo, then do not pay the collection agency.
We can still get your red light camera ticket dismissed for you if you were not the driver in the photos and your red light camera ticket has been transferred to a collection agency like Linebarger, Goggan, Blair, and Sampson or Harris and Harris.
Call (310) 285-1516 to speak directly to a Red Light Camera Lawyer for help.
If you were not the driver in the red light camera ticket photos Do Not Make these Common Mistakes
1) DON’T PAY THE TICKET – Do not pay the ticket if you were not the driver in the photos – if you pay the ticket, you are pleading guilty to the ticket, and you will put a DMV point on your record which can increase your insurance rates and hurt your DMV record. If you paid the ticket and you were not the driver in the photos, please call us because if you made this mistake we can reopen the ticket and get your ticket dismissed and the DMV point removed from your record and your money refunded by showing the Judge you were not the driver in the photos.
2) DON’T DO TRAFFIC SCHOOL – Do not do traffic school for a ticket if you were not the driver – why pay for a traffic ticket and do traffic school if you were not the driver in the photos. If you do traffic school you cannot do traffic school for the next 18 months which means if you get another ticket in the next 18 months you will not be eligible for traffic school.
3) DON’T FILL OUT AFFIDAVIT – Do not fill out the Affidavit of non-Liability. If you were not the driver in the photos do not fill out the affidavit of non-liability and identify who the driver is in the photos if the driver in the photos is a family member or a friend because you don’t want to hurt your family member or friend’s insurance rates and DMV record. Instead call us at (310) 285-1516 because we can get this ticket dismissed so it does not go on the record of the named person on the ticket or the driver in the photos. We can get your ticket dismissed so it does not affect you or your family member or friend who was driving in the photo.
4) DON’T PAY THE COLLECTION AGENCY – Do not pay the red light camera ticket if the ticket has been transferred to a collection agency. (Delinquent Red Light Camera tickets are frequently transferred to the collection agencies Linebarger, Goggan, Blair, and Sampson or Harris and Harris.) If you pay the collection agency for a red light camera ticket when you are not the driver in the photos, you are pleading guilty to the red light camera violation and by paying the collection agency you will be putting a DMV point on your record. If your red light camera ticket is with a collection agency and you were not the driver call us at (310) 285-1516 so we can get the ticket dismissed for you so it does not go on your record and so you don’t have to pay any money to the collection agency.
5) DON’T PAY THE TICKET IF THE TICKET IS IN THE NAME OF A BUSINESS – If the ticket was issued in the name of a business, a trucking company, corporation, LLC, partnership, trust, etc do not pay the ticket and do not fill out an affidavit of non-liability identifying the driver. Often times a truck driver driving a truck registered to a company name gets a red light camera ticket and the ticket is issued to the name of the Trucking company who then fills out the affidavit of non-liability naming the driver of the truck. Instead call to speak to a Red Light Camera Ticket Lawyer at (310) 285-1516 so we can get this ticket dismissed so it does not affect the driver in the red light camera photo or the Trucking Company.
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW about red light camera tickets
DMV point
Please be aware that Red Light Camera Ticket (Vehicle Code 21453(a)) are considered a moving violation. A moving violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver of a car while it is in motion. Moving violations put DMV points on your license.
If you pay a Red Light Camera Ticket you are pleading guilty to the Red Light Camera Ticket and you will put a DMV point on your DMV record which can result in your insurance rates going up.
Failing to stop
If you made a right hand turn on a red light and you did not completely stop at the limit line before turning you will receive a red light camera violation for not making a complete stop at the limit line before turning on a red light.
We Specialize in getting Red Light Camera Tickets dismissed if you were not the Driver in the photographs or video.
Did you get a Red Light Camera and the named person on the ticket was not the Driver in the photos and video?
Do not pay the ticket and Do not change the name on the ticket because we can go to court for you and get this ticket completely dismissed so you do not have to pay any court fines or get a DMV point on your record.
If the named person on the ticket was not the driver in the photos and video We can get this ticket completely dismissed so it does not affect the named person or the driver in the photo’s record.
We Specialize in getting Red Light Camera Tickets when the named person on the ticket was not the person driving the car in the photos and video.
If the Named Person on the Red Light Camera Ticket was not the one driving the car in the photos, call to speak to a Red Light Camera Ticket Lawyer anytime at (310) 285-1516 for help dismissing the ticket.
If you received a City of Beverly Hills Automated Enforcement Traffic Violation letter for a Red Light Camera violation and you were not the driver in the photos, please call (310) 285-1516 so we can get your red light camera dismissed for you so you don’t have to pay the fine and have a DMV point go on your record.
Tickets that begin with BX or BY or BZ are Beverly Hills Red Light Camera Tickets.
1) The Beverly Hills Police Department issues City of Beverly Hills Automated Enforcement Traffic Violations for Red Light Camera Tickets for the City of Beverly Hills.
2) Red Light Camera Ticket Citation Numbers that begin with BX or BY or BZ are Red Light Camera Tickets from the City of Beverly Hills.
3) Beverly Hills Red Light Camera Tickets usually begin with either BX, BY, or BZ and are followed by 6 numbers. For example, BX123456 or BY123456 or BZ123456 are ticket numbers that indicate you received a Beverly Hill Red Light Camera ticket. If you received a letter in the mail from the court or a collection agency and you don’t know what the ticket is for, but the Citation number begins with a BX or BY it is a red light camera ticket from Beverly Hills.
4) If you have a Beverly Hills Red Light Camera Ticket you can go on this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need your citation number and PIN number to view the photos and video. The Citation number and PIN number can be found on the letter with the Red light Camera photos in the upper right-hand corner.
If the named person on the ticket was not the person driving in the photos and video, please call us at (310) 285-1516 so we can get your Red light Camera ticket dismissed. We can get the Red Light Camera ticket dismissed including all the fines, the DMV point and we can keep this from going on the record of the person driving in the car pictured in the photos as well.
We want to help you get this red light camera ticket dismissed so it does not affect the person named on the ticket or the person driving the car in the photos.
City of Culver City Red Light Camera tickets begin with the letter C and are followed by 6 numbers. Culver City Red Light Camera tickets are handled out of the Santa Monica Courthouse.
If you have a Culver City Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code (CUL or CULCA) and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Red Light Camera Tickets that begin with the letters MA or MB are most likely Montebello Red Light Camera Tickets out of the Metropolitan Courthouse
If you have a Montebello Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code (MONTBL) and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Red Light Camera Tickets that begin with the letters CA are most likely Commerce Red Light Camera Tickets out of the Metropolitan Courthouse
If you have a Commerce Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code (COMMRC) and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Red Light Camera Tickets that end with the letters EA or TS are most likely Metropolitan Transportation Authority Red Light Camera Tickets
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Red Light Camera Tickets are usually handled in the Metropolitan Courthouse or the Van Nuys Courthouse.
If you have a Metropolitan Transportation Authority Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Red Light Camera Tickets that end with the letters HA are most likely Hawthorne Red Light Camera Tickets
Hawthorne Red Light Camera tickets are handled at the Inglewood courthouse
If you have a Hawthorne Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code (HAW) and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Red Light Camera Tickets that begin with the letters CV are most likely City of Covina Red Light Camera Tickets
City of Covina Red Light Camera tickets are handled at the West Covina courthouse
If you have a City of Covina Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
Red Light Camera Tickets that begin with the letters GG are most likely City of Garden Grove Red Light Camera Tickets
City of Garden Grove Red Light Camera tickets are handled at the West Justice Center in Westminster
If you have a City of Garden Grove Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code (GGR) and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Red Light Camera Tickets that begin with the letters LA are most likely City of Los Alamitos Red Light Camera Tickets
City of Los Alamitos Red Light Camera tickets are handled at the West Justice Center in Westminster
If you have a City of Los Alamitos Red Light Camera Ticket you can go to this website to view the photos and video:-
You will need the citation number, city code (LOSALM) and license plate number of the car to be able to view the photos and video.
Please note Red Light Camera tickets (VC 21453(a)) are considered moving violationsmoving violationA moving violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver of a car while it is in motion. Moving violations put DMV points on your license. and will put a DMV point on your record which will likely increase your insurance. In addition, they are expensive tickets, costing approximately $490 or more with traffic school. If you pay the VC 21453(a) Red Light Camera ticket you are essentially pleading guilty to the ticket and it will put a DMV point on your record. People are also receiving red light camera tickets for making right-hand turns at intersections with Red Light Cameras if they did not make a complete stop at the limit line before making the turn.
If you received a red light camera ticket in the mail, it will normally contain photos of the driver, information about the violation committed and an upcoming court date. If the named person on the ticket was not the driver in the photos please call us. We can go to court for the named person on the ticket and get this matter dismissed (including all fines and DMV point) so it does not affect the named person on the ticket or the driver in the photos/video.
If you got a Red Light Camera Ticket and you were NOT the driver and your ticket is in the Beverly Hills Courthouse, Metropolitan Courthouse, Santa Monica Courthouse, Van Nuys Courthouse, Westminster Courthouse or Inglewood Courthouse then we can help you dismiss this ticket!
Links to view photos/videos
- If you got a Red Light Camera Ticket in Beverly Hills, here is the link for viewing the photos/video https://www.cite-web.com/PublicINQ/default.asp (You will need the citation # and pin # to view)
- If you got a Red Light Camera Ticket in Culver City, the City of Commerce, Montebello, Los Alamitos, Garden Grove, Hawthorne, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, or Metropolitan Transportation Authority, here is the link for viewing the photos/video https://www.photonotice.com/ (You will need the citation #, license plate #,and city code/name)
- If you got a Red Light Camera Ticket in Covina here is the link for viewing the photos/video: https://www.violationinfo.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Call us to speak with a Traffic Ticket Attorney who specializes in Red Light Camera tickets for a free legal consultation (310) 285-1516.
If you received a Red Light Camera Ticket and the Ticket is in the name of a business, trucking company, company, trust, or corporation please call us because we can get your ticket dismissed if the ticket is in the name of a business, trucking company, corporation, trust, or Limited Liability company.
Please call us if the named person on the red light camera ticket was not the driver in the red light camera photos so we can help you get this red light camera ticket dismissed. (310) 285-1516.
Many People get Red Light Camera Tickets while driving in Beverly Hills, Culver City, Montebello, City of Commerce, Hawthorne Covina, Los Alamitos, Garden Grove, or near MTA/Metro Lines. If you received a Red Light Camera ticket and the named person on the ticket was not the driver in the photos or video, please call us at (310) 285-1516. We specialize in going to court and getting these tickets dismissed where the person in the photo or video is not the named person on the ticket.
We recommend that instead of sending in the affidavit of non-liability that you were not the driver, call us to discuss how we can help you get this matter dismissed so it does not affect the record of the named person on the ticket or the driver in the photos and video.
Many people loan their cars to family members or friends. They might have even sold the car but they are still considered the registered owner. Because they are the registered owner of the vehicle, they will receive a letter in the mail containing a red light camera ticket from either the Beverly Hills Police Department, Culver City Police Department, Covina Police, City of Commerce, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department Metro/MTA lines, Montebello Police Department, Los Alamitos Police Department, Garden Grove Police Department, or Hawthorne Police Department. The Red Light Camera ticket will be in their name but the photos/video show another person who was driving the car who committed the red light camera violation VC 21453(a). We recommend that instead of sending in the affidavit of non-liability that you were not the driver, call us to discuss how we can help you get this matter dismissed so you don’t have to pay any court fines or have a DMV point go on your record.
If your car is registered in the name of a business or corporation, Trucking company, LLC or Trust, and the business received the red light camera ticket please call us because we can also help get red light camera tickets dismissed if they are in the name of the business or a business entity.
If YOU were the driver photographed in the photos, we cannot help you.
Call us to speak with a Traffic Ticket Attorney who specializes in Red Light Camera tickets for a free legal consultation (310) 285-1516.