"U.S. District Court Violation Notice"
Federal Ticket in County of Los Angeles
Did you get a U.S. District Court traffic ticket or other violation while you were on Federal Government property in the county of Los Angeles California?
For example were you driving on the Veterans Administration Property in Westwood California and you received a ticket for failure to stop a posted stop sign, or a speeding ticket or other traffic violation?
We can help. Please call us to discuss your federal ticket and what your options are.
Sample of a federal ticket
If the ticket you received does NOT say "U.S. District Court Violation Notice" across the top, then you did not receive a federal ticket.
Federal Warrant - Los Angeles County
- out of United States District Court at 255 East Temple street, Los Angeles, California 90012
Did you miss your court date for your federal ticket or federal traffic ticket and there is now a federal warrant for you, or you have a DMV hold on your license? Please call us to discuss how we can help.

Federal Court Los Angeles
Federal Court
Edward Roybal Federal Courthouse
255 Temple St, Los Angeles California 90012
Court information including maps and directions.
If Box A is checked you must appear in court
Did you:-
- Get a ticket or federal traffic ticket that was issued on federal property in Los Angeles County;
AND box A was checked on your ticket indicating you now have to appear in Federal Court at the Edward Roybal Federal Courthouse located at 255 Temple St, Los Angeles, California 90012
- Then we can help. We can handle this matter in Federal Court for you.
Federal Tickets & the Law
If you are on federal property you can be given a ticket for violating California state law or federal traffic law.
Federal Government property includes Federal buildings, national parks, military bases, post offices, Veteran Affairs centers, Social Security Administration Offices, local national forests (for example Angeles Crest, Los Padres National Forest), and any other areas that are patrolled or under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
Federal tickets are issued by law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Protective Service (FPS), the U.S. Park Police, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Department of Defense Police, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Provost Marshal, Airforce, Marines & Navy Security Forces, U.S. Postal Police, U.S. Customs, U.S. Border Police and, Veterans Administration Police.
Maximum Penalty
Oftentimes federal tickets are considered petty offenses and can be either a Class A Misdemeanor, Class B Misdemeanor, Class C Misdemeanor or Infraction. Please see below the maximum punishments for these various offenses. These petty offenses are governed by the following federal law: United States Code Section, 18 U.S.C. §19.
The maximum punishment for a federal petty offense is 6 months in jail and you do not have the right to a jury trial.
The maximum punishment for a federal misdemeanor is 1 year in jail and you do have the right to a jury trial.
Generally, if you got a traffic ticket on federal property, you do not have the right to a jury trial but a trial heard only by a judge.
Class A Misdemeanors:
The maximum term of imprisonment is one year, $100,000 fine, $25 special assessment, 5 year probationary term, $25 CVB (Central Violations Bureau) processing fee, and up to one year of supervised release. This includes assaults, simple possession of drugs and petty thefts.
Class B misdemeanors:
The maximum jail sentence is 6 months, a $5,000 fine, a $10 special assessment, 5 years probation, $25 processing fee and up to one year of supervised release. Most CVB (Central Violations Bureau) offenses are Class B misdemeanors (DUI’s, trespasses, and a host of other offenses).
Class C misdemeanors:
The maximum jail sentence is 30 days, a $5,000 fine, $5 special assessment, five years of probation and a $25 processing fee.
These are offenses for which there is a 5 day maximum jail term, a fine up to $5,000, one year of probation, a $5 special assessment and a $25 processing fee.
For more information regarding Petty Offenses and Misdemeanors in Federal Court, see Rule 58 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure:-
Federal Ticket FAQ
For frequently asked questions such as how to check the status of your ticket, what happens if you fail to pay or appear in court, and many more:-
Pay your federal ticket
One option you might have if you got a federal traffic ticket on federal property is to pay your ticket. You can make a payment to the Central Violations Bureau by phone, pay online, or mail your payment. Follow this link to the Central Violations Bureau to pay your ticket:-
Federal Court appearance - we can help!
Did you:-
- Receive a United States District Court violation notice
- AND box A is checked on your ticket indicating you must appear in court?
- Then please call us for a free legal consultation regarding your federal ticket.
We can appear in court for you so you do not have to appear and we can help you handle this matter in federal court.
Please call us at (310) 285-1516 for a free legal consultation regarding your federal ticket.