Call Us for a
Free legal consultation
with a Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Los Angeles County
who specializes in
- Helping with TRAFFIC TICKETS that are with GC SERVICES or other collection agencies
(IN COLLECTIONS FTA STATUS or DMV DRIVER LICENSE HOLD) - DMV Hearings at any DMV Safety Office anywhere in California
Call the Law Office of Pardoe & Associates (310) 285-1516
Traffic Lawyer Los Angeles
Call us to speak with a Traffic Lawyer for a free consultation (310) 285-1516 so we can answer all of your questions and offer advice on how to fix your traffic ticket problem in Los Angeles County.
- We fix your license problems.
- Call us now so we can help you.
Call us if you:-
- Have a Suspended License,
- Have an Arrest Warrant, Bench Warrant or a Warrant out for your arrest in any court out of Los Angeles County or Orange County
- Or GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd has sent you a letter charging you a big fine
- Or your license is suspended because of a traffic ticket and you need help clearing it up …
- then call us to speak with a traffic lawyer for a free consultation (310) 285-1516 so we can answer all of your questions and offer advice on how to fix your problem.
Free Traffic Lawyer Consultation Los Angeles
We specialize in helping people clear up suspended licenses so they can drive again with a valid license. We also specialize in clearing up warrants for your arrest. Please call us so we can explain to you what your options are so you can make an informed decision on what is the best way to take care of your traffic ticket, warrant, arrest warrant, bench warrant, GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd fine (collection agencies) or your suspended license problem.
A traffic ticket can turn into a big headache and can be very confusing - your license can be suspended and you can face ridiculously high fines from GC Services, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd, collection agencies which the Los Angeles Superior court uses to collect money, - all this from a traffic ticket.
- We like to make your headaches go away
- We want to help you clear up your license and fight the GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd fines you are facing if your ticket is in collections FTA or DMV Driver License Hold status
- Did you find out after applying for a job or from a police officer that there is a warrant out for your arrest – Call us for help clearing it up
- We like to teach you what your options are, so you can do what is best for you and avoid being taken advantage of by GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd and the court.
Please call us so we can teach you your rights and your options.
Call any time
Call us at (310) 285-1516 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL anytime day or night.
If you get switched to a message bank, it means our traffic attorneys are on other calls, so please leave your name and phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.
If you do not live in Los Angeles County and you got a ticket here and you need help with your traffic ticket or license or a warrant:-
- We can often take care of this problem for you so you do not have to come back to Los Angeles.
- We will go to court for you so you don’t have to.
- Many times people move away from California and try and get a license in another state but are told by the DMV they cannot a license until they clear up their ticket they got in California – Call us so we can help you clear up your license problem.
License Suspended
If your license is suspended because of a ticket that has a status of In Collections/FTA or DMV Driver License Hold, call us so we can help you determine what is the best way to clear up your license as fast as possible.
For those of you who have not seen a Judge for their traffic ticket, we have an excellent record of helping people get their license suspension cleared up.
Call us to discuss (310) 285-1516.
License Suspended & Fine from GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd
If you have never been to court to see a judge regarding your ticket, and your license is suspended and GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd is charging you a heavy fine because your ticket is In Collections/FTA or DMV Driver License Hold status, we can help you clear up your license and help you get your fines lowered.
Please call us if you have a ticket that says In Collections/FTA or DMV Driver License Hold status (310) 285-1516.
- We go to court for people in this situation so you do not have to go and wait in long lines or miss work.
- We like to fight the charges and fines you are facing by setting your matter for trial which often gives us the best chance of getting your fines lowered and keeping violations and DMV points off your record.
You have already seen a judge / Failure to Pay
If you have already SEEN A JUDGE AND PLED GUILTY OR NO CONTEST on your traffic ticket and you did not pay your fine or do your community service by the due date and your ticket is now with GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd, we cannot help you out of this situation.
If you call us, unfortunately, the only advice we can offer you is to speak to the traffic clerk at the courthouse to go over your options.
Failure to Pay & GC Services or LGBS or Harris and Harris
Please note we cannot help you if you have already appeared in front of a Judge and plead guilty or no contest and did not pay your fine or do your community service by the due date and your ticket has a status of "failure to pay" and GC Services or Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP (LGBS) or Harris and Harris Ltd now has your ticket and is charging you a lot of money.
The court may add penalty fees for your failure to pay your fine by the due date so that is why your fine is now higher. You may be able to submit a letter to the Judge. Please see the traffic clerk at the courthouse if you are in this situation to go over your options.
Impounded Car
If your car got impounded for 30 days because your license is suspended because of a failure to appear in court for a ticket you got and your ticket status is In Collections/FTA:-
- We can often clear this ticket up (In Collections/FTA or DMV Driver License Hold) so you can get your license back
- And then if you show the police your license is now valid you can get your car out of impoundment immediately as long as you also have valid registration and insurance.
Call us if you have a failure to appear (In Collections/FTA or DMV Driver License Hold) affecting your license and your car got impounded for 30 days. We can help you try and get your car out in this situation sooner than 30 days. Call (310) 285-1516.
The Status of your Traffic Ticket
Check your traffic ticket status.
The first thing you should do if you have a traffic ticket problem is to go to the Los Angeles Superior Court website. Click on the following link:-
Select the option to Search by Drivers License, and enter your California drivers license number and your date of birth, then this court website will pull up all your ticket information for your traffic tickets out of Los Angeles county. It will tell you:-
- What court your ticket is out of
- The status of your traffic ticket.
30-day delay
Note the court website warns that your ticket information may not be posted online until after 30 days, but that even if your ticket is not online, you must still take care of it by the deadline.
What your Ticket Status means
If your traffic ticket status says In Collections FTA, DMV Driver License Hold, arrest warrant, bench warrant or warrant, then call us so we can advise you how to clear these matters up and fight the fines and charges you are facing.
We can help you clear up your suspended license or arrest warrant and help you lower the fines you are facing.
Failure to Pay
If your ticket status says "failure to pay", that means your only option is to pay the heavy fine because you failed to pay the original fine by the due date. We cannot help you in this situation and the only advice we can give you is speak to the traffic clerk at the courthouse to go over your options.