The Law Office of Pardoe & Associates - Los Angeles
This website is not a guarantee, warranty, or prediction of your case. The material on this website is for general informational purposes only in California, USA. It is not legal advice or provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship. The information is general in nature and is not intended to indicate what the results will be in your specific case.
We practice law only in California where we are properly authorized to do so and do not seek to represent anyone in any jurisdiction where this site does not comply with applicable laws and bar rules.
Please note we are not associated with GC SERVICES, GC SERVICES LP, the Los Angeles County Superior Courthouse or Department of Motor Vehicles in any manner. We are a law office dedicated to helping people with their suspended license and traffic ticket problems and providing information on people’s rights and options with their traffic tickets OUT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY CALIFORNIA ONLY.
Please do not send us any information that you regard as privileged or confidential unless and until we authorize you to do so.