Failure to Pay - California VC 40508b FTP
Explanation of "FTP" / FTP HOLD
Failure to Pay VC 40508(b) FTP – this is a warrant or hold for failure to comply with a term or condition of the sentence which usually means a failure to pay your traffic ticket fine before the deadline which can result in:-
- an FTP
- and a possible misdemeanor charge against you (a criminal offense)
- along with a license hold or suspension.
See also our explanation of Failure to Appear (FTA)
What to do
Typical Failure to Pay Situation
If you have already appeared in front of a Judge at court and pled guilty or no contest and the Judge ordered you to pay a fine or do community service and you did not pay the fine or do the community service by the due date, you are now in a very tough situation as your fine has gone way up and GC Services, LGBS or Harris and Harris (collection agency) is now handling your case. We cannot help you with the collection agency when you are in this situation. Once you have pled guilty or no contest in front of a Judge and you did not pay your fine by the due date you are not allowed another opportunity to see a Judge. Your only way out of this situation in our opinion is to pay off the heavy fines. Unless you pay these fines it will be very hard to get your license back. You can try and write a letter to the Judge explaining your situation but don't get your hopes up in getting your fines reduced.
We unfortunately CANNOT HELP YOU WITH GC SERVICES, LGBS or HARRIS and HARRIS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN A JUDGE AND PLED GUILTY OR NO CONTEST and you did not pay your fine by the due date. The only advice we can offer you is to speak to the traffic clerk at the courthouse to go over your options.
When we CAN help in Los Angeles County
If you have NEVER SEEN A JUDGE REGARDING YOUR TICKET we can definitely help you with GC Services, LGBS or Harris and Harris (collection agencies).
If you have never been to court and you have not seen a Judge we can help you get your license back oftentimes in a day or two and we can help you fight the ridiculous fines GC Services, LGBS or Harris and Harris is charging you.
Call us for a Free Legal Consultation regarding your case if you have not appeared in front of a Judge regarding your ticket (310) 285-1516.