VC 22348b Consequences
Driving over 100 miles per hour in California is a very serious charge, as you face potentially:-
- A fine of up to $900 for a first offense
- A 30-day license suspension for a first offense
- And 2 points going on your DMV driver’s license record.
Getting 2 points on your license can cause your insurance premiums to go up.
How the California DMV Point System works
Points on your license are accumulative. If you get:-
- 4 points in one year
- 6 points in two years
- or 8 points in three years
then the California DMV will want to suspend your license for 6 months for being a negligent operator, a driver with too many points.
Mandatory Court Appearance
A ticket for driving over 100mph in California - VC 22348(b) - requires a mandatory appearance in court by you or your lawyer.
Traffic School
You cannot do traffic school for this violation.
We can help in Los Angeles County only.
Fines for driving over 100 mph
- The maximum fine for a first offense is $900
Differences between a 100 mph ticket versus other speeding tickets
Driving Over 100mph
Up to $1000 fine
- Two point violation
- Requires a mandatory court appearance in front of a Judge.
- A judge can suspend your license for 30 days.
- Fines are usually higher.
- You are NOT eligible to do traffic school for this violation.
Speeding Ticket under 100mph
Lower fines
- One point violation.
- Does NOT require a mandatory court appearance.
- A Judge cannot suspend your license
- Fines are usually lower.
- You are eligible for traffic school as long as you were not driving 25 mph over the posted speed limit.
The law in California
The following details of the law can be found here http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&division=11.&title=&part=&chapter=7.&article=1. :-
V C Section 22348 Excessive Speed and Designated Lane Use
(b) A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 100 miles per hour is guilty of an infraction punishable, as follows:
(1) Upon a first conviction of a violation of this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500). The court may also suspend the privilege of the person to operate a motor vehicle for a period not to exceed 30 days pursuant to Section 13200.5.
(2) Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense that occurred within three years of a prior offense resulting in a conviction of an offense under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750). The person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 13355.
(3) Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense that occurred within five years of two or more prior offenses resulting in convictions of offenses under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). The person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 13355."
Your insurance rates are likely to go up
Although this offense (Going over 100 mph - VC 22348(b)) has some serious consequences, under the law it is an infraction, not a misdemeanor, and will not result in a criminal record. However, this violation is likely to cause your insurance rates to go way up because of the two DMV points it puts on your California driver's license.
Potential license suspension
Many Judges do not like people driving over 100 mph (VC 22348(b) because of the increased risk of an accident occurring at this high speed.
Judges under Vehicle Code Section 13200 and Vehicle Code Section 13200.5, have the power to suspend your license for 30 days for driving over 100 mph (VC 22348(b)). If you have been previously convicted of speeding, the license suspension can be 60 days or more. So be aware of this potential license suspension with 100 mph tickets and be aware that Judges do have the power to suspend your license for 30 days for driving over 100 mph (VC 22348(b)).
We can help in Los Angeles County
Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney
We can go to court for you. so you don't have to take time off work. Call us to speak with a Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney for a free legal consultation to discuss your options (310) 285-1516.
See also: