Traffic Courts in Los Angeles
See complete list of Los Angeles Traffic Court addresses below
We help people with their traffic ticket and traffic warrant problems in EVERY traffic court and courthouse in Los Angeles County.
We make all court appearances for you so you do not have to go and miss work and spend long hours in line or in court.
If you are required to appear in court, we will go with you to protect you.
See also our page listing Traffic Ticket Problems We Help With
Your Court Location
The court name and address is marked on the bottom of your traffic ticket. If you don't know the court location of your ticket, see check status of your Los Angeles traffic ticket. See also our area map showing Los Angeles traffic court locations.
Traffic Ticket Due Date
Take note of the due date listed on the bottom of your ticket. You must take some action on your traffic ticket by this due date. Unfortunately many times the court does not send a courtesy letter about your ticket.
Court Holidays
Los Angeles Traffic courts are not open on the following court holidays.
Traffic Courts
Los Angeles Metropolitan Courthouse
We have helped many people with their traffic tickets and traffic warrants in the Metropolitan Courthouse Los Angeles located at 1945 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Learn more about the Los Angeles Metropolitan Court.
Beverly Hills Courthouse
We have helped many people with their warrants and traffic tickets in the Beverly Hills Court with traffic tickets that were issued by the Beverly Hills Police Department or West Hollywood Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department.
If your traffic ticket or case is in Beverly Hills and you have to appear at the courthouse located at 9355 Burton Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, please call us to discuss.
Learn more about the Beverly Hills Courthouse.
Malibu Court - closed
On June 3, 2013, the Malibu courthouse was closed. All Malibu Traffic Tickets are now handled out of the Santa Monica Courthouse. If you received a traffic ticket out of the Malibu Area we can handle this matter for you without you having to go to court at all.
West LA Court - closed
On June 3, 2013, the West LA courthouse located at 1633 Purdue Ave.Los Angeles, CA 90025 was closed. All West LA traffic tickets are now initially handled out of the Beverly Hills Courthouse.
Los Angeles Federal Court
Did you get a federal ticket on federal property in Los Angeles County? And you now have to appear in Federal Court at the Edward Roybal Federal Courthouse located at 255 Temple St, Los Angeles, California 90012? We can help. Learn about federal tickets.
Los Angeles Superior Courts /Traffic Departments
If your traffic ticket is in one of the following places, please call us to discuss as we have extensive experience in these courts:
Los Angeles Superior Courts
Traffic DepartmentsLos Angeles Superior Court | Location | Department |
Beverly Hills Courthouse | 9355 Burton Way Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | Department 1 |
Chatsworth Courthouse | 9425 Penfield Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 | Department F40, Department F41 |
Compton Courthouse | 200 West Compton Blvd., Compton, CA 90220 | |
Metropolitan Courthouse | 1945 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007 | Department 61, Department 63, Department 64, Department 67 |
Santa Monica Courthouse | 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | Department G, Department S |
Van Nuys Courthouse | 14400 Erwin Street Mall, Van Nuys, CA 91401 | Department 102 |
Los Angeles Courthouse list
We handle Traffic Tickets in the following Los Angeles Traffic Courts and Courthouses:
Courthouse | Location | Department |
Airport Courthouse | 11701 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | Department 140, Department 141 |
Airport Courthouse | 11701 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | |
Alhambra Courthouse | 150 W Commonwealth, Alhambra, CA 91801 | |
Bellflower Courthouse | 10025 E Flower St, Bellflower, CA 90706 | |
Beverly Hills Courthouse | 9355 Burton Way Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | Department 1, 2, 4 |
Burbank Courthouse | 300 E Olive Ave, Burbank, CA 91502 | |
Catalina Courthouse | 215 Sumner Ave, Avalon, CA 90704 | |
Central Arraignment Court | 429 Bauchet St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 | |
Chatsworth Courthouse | 425 Penfield Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311 | Department F40, Department F41 |
Compton Courthouse | 200 W Compton Blvd, Compton, CA 90220 | |
Downey Courthouse | 7500 E Imperial Hwy, Downey, CA 90242 | |
East Los Angeles Courthouse | 214 S Fetterly Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90022 | |
Edward Roybal Federal Courthouse | 255 Temple St, Los Angeles, California 90012 | |
El Monte Courthouse (Rio Hondo) | 11234 E Valley Blvd, El Monte, CA 91731 | |
Glendale Courthouse | 600 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91206 | |
Hollywood Courthouse | 5925 Hollywood, Hollywood, CA 90028 | |
Huntington Park Courthouse | 6548 Miles Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255 | |
Inglewood Courthouse | 1 Regent St, Inglewood, CA 90301 | |
Lancaster Courthouse | 42011 4th St West, Lancaster, CA 93534 | |
Long Beach Courthouse | 415 W Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802 | |
Metropolitan Courthouse | 1945 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90007 | Department 61, Department 63, Department 64, Department 67 |
Monrovia Courthouse | 300 W Maple Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016 | |
Newhall – Santa Clarita Courthouse | 23747 W Valencia Blvd, Valencia, CA 91355 | |
Pasadena Courthouse | 300 E Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91101 | |
Pomona Courthouse | 350 W Mission Blvd, Pomona, CA 91766 | |
San Fernando Courthouse | 900 Third St, San Fernando, CA 91340 | |
San Pedro Courthouse | 505 S Centre St, San Pedro, CA 90731 | |
Santa Monica Courthouse | 1725 Main St, Santa Monica CA, 90401 | Department G, Department S |
South Gate Courthouse | 8640 California Ave, South Gate, CA 90280 | |
Torrance Annex Court | 3221 Torrance Blvd Torrance, CA 90503 | |
Van Nuys Courthouse | 14400 Erwin St Mall Van Nuys, CA 91401 | Department 102 |
West Covina Courthouse | 1427 W Covina Parkway, West Covina, CA 91790 | |
West Los Angeles Courthouse | 1633 Purdue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025 | Department 90, Department 92 |
Whittier Courthouse | 7339 S Painter Ave, Whittier, CA 90602 |
See also our Traffic Ticket Help page listing problems we help with.
Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney
For all your Traffic Ticket problems in Los Angeles County, call us to speak with a Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney for help. For a free legal consultation call (310) 285-1516.