What was a DMV Abstract?
A DMV abstract was basically an email from the traffic court to the DMV informing the DMV that you are now taking care of your traffic ticket so that consequently the DMV would remove the hold or Failure to Appear (FTA) on your suspended license allowing you to get your license back.
DMV Abstracts are no longer available
This is a very disappointing decision by the Los Angeles Superior Court. THIS WILL NOW MOST LIKELY MAKE IT HARDER AND MORE EXPENSIVE FOR YOU TO CLEAR UP YOUR LICENSE. But there is good news ... see Getting Your License Back below.
Please feel free to CALL US TO DISCUSS YOUR TICKET AND LICENSE SITUATION to see what your options are.
What was a DMV Abstract or Court Abstract?
A DMV Abstract purchased at the traffic clerk window used to be available to clear up FTAs or Holds on your license.
If you fail to appear in court for your traffic ticket, the DMV will then most likely suspend your license for this Failure To Appear - FTA (VC 40509.5 holds or DMV hold). The best way to remove this failure to appear off your license used to be to buy a DMV abstract from the traffic clerk.
A DMV abstract was basically an email from the traffic court to the DMV informing the DMV that you are now taking care of your traffic ticket so that consequently the DMV would remove the hold or Failure to Appear (FTA) on your suspended license allowing you to get your license back.
As stated above, all Los Angeles Superior Court traffic clerks have stopped selling DMV Abstracts as of April 6, 2015; so it is now harder to get your license back.
Getting your license back
Did you receive a letter from the DMV?
If you received a letter from the DMV stating that the DMV is going to suspend your license very soon because you failed to appear in court for a traffic ticket, then please call us immediately as we often can use this DMV letter to see a Judge right away for you. We usually can clear up your license in 24 to 48 hours and before the suspension date so your license does not get suspended on the date listed in the DMV letter sent to you.
Please feel free to CALL US TO DISCUSS YOUR TICKET AND LICENSE SITUATION to see what your options are (310) 285-1516.
We can often help people clear up their license without having to pay any money to GC services, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP or Harris and Harris Ltd (collection agencies).