Do you have a BENCH WARRANT or WARRANT OUT FOR YOUR ARREST out of any of the following courts in Orange County:-
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WE SPECIALIZE IN HELPING CLEAR UP WARRANTS – For over 20 years we have successfully helped people clear up their warrants – We can help find out more information about your warrant and then advise you on what is the best strategy for clearing up your warrant so nothing bad happens to you – we believe it’s best to take action as soon as possible to clear up a warrant – if you have a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest that is preventing you from getting a job please call us so an experienced warrant lawyer can help you clear it up.
How to check if you have a warrant in Orange County
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department Website allows you to check to see if you have an active warrant out for your arrest in a court in Orange County California.
If you enter your Name and Date of Birth, the system will check to see if you have an outstanding warrant.
Other ways to check if you have a warrant – call the Orange County Superior Court Criminal Clerk’s office at (657) 622-8459 or the Orange County District Attorney Office at (949) 476-4650.
You may apply to receive a copy of your criminal record from the Department of Justice. To receive a copy of YOUR criminal history record, individuals must submit fingerprint images, pay a $25 processing fee to the Department of Justice, and follow the instructions on this webpage https://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints/record-review. Here’s a link from the Orange County Superior Court that offers additional advice on how to obtain a copy of your California Department of Justice Criminal Record https://www.occourts.org/self-help/formpackets/forms/SHC-CRIM-10.pdf.
If you have a warrant out for your arrest, please call us to speak to a Warrant lawyer at (310) 285-1516 for a Free Legal Consultation on how to clear up your warrant.
Failure to come to court on your court date will result in a BENCH WARRANT and WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST
If you have been charged with a Misdemeanor or a Felony and you fail to come to court on your court date the Judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. The more serious the crime the higher the bail amount the Judge will set for your warrant for your failure to appear in court.
Sometimes people don’t realize they have a warrant out for their arrest and only find out about the warrant after a background check by an employer or they find out about the warrant when they get pulled over by a police officer who informs them that they have a bench warrant or warrant out for their arrest. If you recently found out you have a bench warrant or warrant out for your arrest or you were given a cite and release ticket for your warrant in the Harbor Justice Center, or the West Justice Center, or the North Justice Center, or the Central Justice Center out of the Orange County Superior Court or the Lamoreaux Justice Juvenile Center, please call (310) 285-1516 to speak to a Warrant Lawyer. We have been successfully helping people clear up their warrants for over 20 years. We specialize in clearing up warrants.
A Bench Warrant is usually issued by a Judge when a defendant does not come to court on their court date. A Bench Warrant is an order from a Judge of the Superior Court directing any police officer or sheriff to arrest a person and bring him or her to the Orange County Superior Court. An Orange County Bench Warrant gives police officers the authority to arrest you and bring you to court because you failed to appear in court as required or you failed to follow court orders and you committed a probation violation.
A Bench Warrant will be entered into a computer database that will alert police officers and sheriffs of your warrant if you have any interaction with law enforcement. The bench warrant will most likely be entered into the Orange County Wide Warrant System (CWS) by the courts. Entering a warrant into the County-Wide Warrant System usually causes the entry of the warrant into the California Department of Justice Wanted Persons system (WPS). The warrant may also be entered into the nationwide National Warrant System, and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). If you fail to come to court or you fail to do what the Judge ordered you to do and you committed a probation violation such as not paying the court fine, not doing the court-ordered DUI program, or failure to do the court-ordered community labor or community service, the Judge will most likely issue a bench warrant or a warrant for your arrest.
An Orange County arrest warrant can be issued by a Judge where the Judge considers that there is sufficient evidence that a criminal offense has been committed. This may be due to information gathered during a police investigation. While an individual subject to a bench warrant is usually arrested during contact with a police officer on another matter, an arrest warrant involving a serious charge may have the police go out looking for that person in order to arrest and take that person into custody.
Your TO DO LIST regarding OC Warrants
#1 FIND OUT ALL THE INFORMATION YOU CAN ABOUT YOUR OC WARRANT – You want to gather as much information as you can about the bench warrant or warrant for your arrest and we can help do that for you.
You want to find out 1.1 what courthouse your bench warrant or warrant for your arrest is out of? Is the warrant or bench warrant out of the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach, or the West Justice Center in Westminster, or the North Justice Center in Fullerton, or the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana in Orange County California or the Lamoreaux Justice Juvenile Center.
You want to find out 1.2 what the case number is for your warrant and 1.3 whether it a misdemeanor or a felony charge, information you can usually get from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Website or by calling the Orange County Superior Court Criminal Clerk’s office at (657) 622-8459 to see if they can give you information about your bench warrant or warrant for your arrest.
Other important information you want to find out about the warrant includes:-
- 1.4 What are the criminal charges?
- 1.5 What is the bail?
- 1.6 How old is the warrant? and
- 1.7 What department at the courthouse would be handling the warrant?
You can call (310) 285-1516 to speak to a knowledgeable and experienced Warrant Lawyer for a free legal consultation and we can find out all this information about your bench warrant or warrant for your arrest for you.
#2 YOU WANT TO FIND OUT WHY THE JUDGE ISSUED A WARRANT OR BENCH WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST – If there is a bench warrant or warrant out for your arrest, you want to find out why the Judge issued a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest. What is the reason for your warrant? Judges will issue a bench warrant or warrant for arrest if you fail to come to court on your court date for a misdemeanor or felony charge. The Judge will also issue a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest if you failed to do what the judge ordered you to do by the due date – for example did you fail to pay the court ordered fine, or fail to do a DUI class or do court ordered community service or labor and you did not come back to court to see the clerk or the Judge on the due date with proof of completion. Did the Judge issue a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest because you violated your probation because of a new arrest?
Call us at (310) 285-1516 to speak to a Warrant Lawyer and we can find out for you why the Judge issued a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest, and we can then advise you on what is the best strategy for clearing up your warrant.
#3 IS YOUR WARRANT FOR DRIVING ON A SUSPENDED LICENSE OR DRIVING WITHOUT A VALID CALIFORNIA LICENSE – Did you get a ticket in Orange County for Driving on a Suspended License (14601.1) or Driving without a valid California license (VC 12500) and fail to go to court on your court date listed on the bottom of the ticket? Judges in Orange County will usually issue a bench warrant and warrant for your arrest if you fail to appear on your court date if you got a traffic ticket and you were cited for a misdemeanor charge for Driving on a Suspended License (VC 14601.1) or for Driving without a valid California license (VC 12500). Look on your traffic ticket to see if the officer wrote VC 14601.1 or VC 12500 and see if he circled M next to the violation VC 14601.1 or VC 12500. A circled M means misdemeanor.
Sometimes people don’t realize they have a warrant for their arrest for a traffic ticket because they go to the DMV and get their license and think everything is clear. Please note the DMV does not inform you if you have a bench warrant or warrant out for your arrest because the DMV does not know if you have a bench warrant or warrant out for your arrest because the DMV computer does not have access to warrant and criminal case information.
You never want to miss a court date in Orange County if you received a traffic ticket because that can result in a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest if the officer cited you with a misdemeanor violation such as for Driving on a Suspended License (VC 14601.1) or for Driving without a valid California license (VC 12500). If you have a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest for a suspended license violation or any other traffic violation, please call us. We also specialize in clearing up suspended licenses. We can help clear up your suspended license and help clear up your warrant. In most traffic warrant cases we can go to court for you, so you do not have to appear in court at all. Call a suspended license and warrant lawyer at (310) 285-1516 if you have any questions and need help.
#4 HOW TO CLEAR UP YOUR OC WARRANT – if there is a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest you want to come up with a plan for clearing that warrant up as soon as possible. The only way typically to clear up your warrant is to go to court in person to see the Judge. We specialize in going to court with people who have warrants to try and protect them from any bad things happening to them such as jail time for failing to previously come to court or failing to complete what the Judge ordered you to do. In some cases, if there is a misdemeanor warrant out for your arrest such as driving without a license VC 12500 or driving on a suspended license VC 14601.1, we can go to court for you, so you don’t have to go to court.
People with a warrant out for their arrest are usually very afraid of going to court and fear going to jail and they decide not to go to court to see the Judge for these reasons. The problem is if there is a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest and you don’t go to court to see the Judge and you ignore the warrant there is a possibility that one day you could be arrested by the police and brought in handcuffs to see the Judge. When you are brought unwillingly to court in handcuffs you risk facing greater punishment than if you voluntarily go to court to see the Judge. Judges usually like it better when you come to court on your accord to take care of your warrant and usually are more lenient than if you are brought to court in handcuffs.
We specialize in clearing up bench warrants and arrest warrants. We go to court with you to protect you and help you. We speak to the Judge for you so you don’t have to. We specialize in helping clear up warrants and protecting people who have warrants so nothing bad happens to them. Please call a knowledgeable and experienced Warrant Lawyer at (310) 285-1516 for advice so we can discuss how to clear up your warrant. A warrant can be cleared up in one of two ways #1 by going to court voluntarily to see the Judge in person or #2 if you are brought in handcuffs to the court to see the Judge. We believe it is better to go to court to see the Judge and we can help you and go with you.
#5 – DO YOU HAVE A GOOD REASON WHY YOU MISSED YOUR COURT DATE OR DID NOT COMPLETE YOUR COURT ORDERED OBLIGATIONS – If you were not able to go to court or complete your court ordered obligations because you were ill or for some other good reason you want to gather any documents or evidence such as a Doctor’s letter or Hospital Records that backs this up to show the Judge. The quicker you go to court the better to show the Judge any explanations regarding your warrant.
6 IMPORTANT THINGS to know about Bench Warrants and Arrest Warrants
#1 – THERE ARE NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR WARRANTS – Some people mistakenly think there is a statute of limitations with warrants and after a certain amount of time they will disappear or no longer be active and in effect. Once a bench warrant or warrant is issued for your arrest there is no statute of limitations on warrants. The warrant for your arrest will remain in effect until the warrant is cleared up in person in court. If the warrant is very old and you did not know about it. you might have a good case for challenging the warrant and the charges in court. Your right to a speedy trial might have been violated. We file motions to dismiss in these situations. Please call us at (310) 285-1516 to discuss if you have a very old warrant and you never knew about the charges.
#2 WHAT CAN HAPPEN TO IF YOU ARE PULLED OVER BY A POLICE OFFICER WHO THEN DISCOVERS THAT THERE IS A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST – Typically, one of a few things can possibly happen to you if you get pulled over by a police officer who finds out there is a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest:-
- THE OFFICER GIVES YOU A WARNING – The officer may just give you a warning and tell you there is a warrant out for your arrest, and you need to take care of it as soon as possible. Consider yourself very lucky and this a gift if the police officer gives you a warning and lets you go. If this happens, please call us to speak to an experienced warrant lawyer at (310) 285-1516 so we can help clear up your warrant as soon as possible.
- A CITE OUT AND RELEASE TICKET FOR YOUR WARRANT – The officer instead of taking you to jail may give you a ticket called a cite out or cite and release ticket with a future court date for you to appear in court for this warrant. If you get a cite out and cite and release ticket for your warrant, call us so we can help you. We can usually go to court on that future court date, so you don’t have to go to court on that date if it is not a Felony warrant.
- THE OFFICER HANDCUFFS YOU AND TAKES YOU TO JAIL – The worst thing that can happen to you is if the police officer handcuffs you and then takes you to jail for your warrant. You will most likely be held in jail for at least a day or two until you are taken to court to see the Judge about your warrant. You most likely will have the opportunity to post bail and get out of jail if you are in this situation. This is a good reason why you want to be proactive if there is a bench warrant or warrant out for your arrest so that you avoid this situation. You want to act quickly and clear up your warrant as soon as possible. We can help you.
- THE OFFICER DOES NOT MENTION YOUR WARRANT – strangely there have been times where people have been pulled over by a police officer and the officer does not mention that you have a warrant for your arrest or a bench warrant. Therefore, it’s a good idea to check with the court or the Orange County Sheriff’s website if you think you have a warrant to make sure.
#3 BENCH WARRANT – a Bench Warrant is an order from a Judge of a Court directing the police anywhere within the State of California to arrest and bring that person to court who the warrant was issued for. Bench warrants are usually issued by Judges for people who fail to appear in court or fail to do what the Judge ordered them to do like community labor or service, pay fine, complete DUI program, etc. Bench warrants can be issued by a Judge for failure to appear in court when mandated, for failure to obey a court order, failure to pay a court ordered fine or for violation of probation.
CITE AND RELEASE TICKET FOR A WARRANT – – The officer instead of taking you to jail may give you a ticket called a cite out or cite and release ticket with a future court date usually in a few months for you to appear in court for this warrant. If you get a cite out and cite and release ticket for your warrant, call us so we can help you. We can usually go to court on that future court date, so you don’t have to go to court on that date if it is not a Felony warrant.
#5 VIOLATION OF PROBATION – if you are placed on probation for a misdemeanor or felony the Judge will order you not to break any laws. If you get arrested while you are on probation or violate your probation by not completing what the Judge ordered you to do, the court will most likely consider this a probation violation and they may issue a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest or send you a letter with an upcoming court date for a probation violation hearing in front of the Judge.
#6 BAIL – If you are taken to jail for a warrant you have the right post bail to secure your release from jail. Bail is the amount of money that needs to be paid to get a person in jail released from custody. Bail is intended to assure the court that they will appear at their future court dates. A Bail Bondsman can help you post the bail, and they usually charge a 10% fee to post your bail. For example, if your bail is $50,000 the Bail Bondsman will charge you $5,000 to post the $50,000 bail. Bail can be expensive so this another reason to be proactive in clearing up your warrant.
HARBOR JUSTICE CENTER – Warrants involving the Newport Beach Police Department, Irvine Police Department, Laguna Beach Police Department, UC Irvine Police Department and Orange County Sheriff’s Department will most likely be handled at the Harbor Justice Center, the courthouse located in Newport Beach at 601 Jamboree Road Newport Beach California 92660.
WEST JUSTICE CENTER – Warrants involving the Westminster Police Department, Costa Mesa Police Department, Seal Beach Police Department, Los Alamitos Police Department, Cypress Police Department, Fountain Valley Police Department, Huntington Beach Police Department, Garden Grove Police Department, and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department will most likely be handled at the West Justice Center located at 8141 13th Street Westminster California 92683.
NORTH JUSTICE CENTER – Warrants involving the Anaheim Police Department, Brea Police Department, Buena Park Police Department, Placentia Police Department, La Habra Police Department, La Palma Police Department, Yorba Linda Police, the Fullerton Police Department, Cal State Fullerton Police Department and the Orange County Sheriffs Department will most likely be handled at the North Justice Center located at 1275 North Berkeley Fullerton CA 92832.
CENTRAL JUSTIC CENTER – Warrants involving the Tustin Police Department, Santa Ana Police Department, Orange Police Department, and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department will most likely be handled at the Central Justice Center located in Santa Ana 700 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, CA 92701.
We can help
If you have a WARRANT or BENCH WARRANT OUT FOR YOUR ARREST or you were given a CITE AND RELEASE TICKET FOR YOUR WARRANT, please call a Warrant Lawyer at 310-285-1516 for advice and help.
WE SPECIALIZE IN HELPING CLEAR UP WARRANTS – For over 20 years we have successfully helped people clear up their warrants - We can help find out more information about your warrant and then advise you on what is the best strategy for clearing up your warrant so nothing bad happens to you – we believe it’s best to take action as soon as possible to clear up a warrant – if you have a bench warrant or warrant for your arrest that is preventing you from getting a job please call us so an experienced warrant lawyer can help you clear it up.