FAQ Los Angeles Traffic Ticket
Click each FAQ to expand.- Did you receive a traffic ticket that you did not go to court to take care of?
- Was your license suspended?
- Or was there a DMV hold or DMV stop put on your license and you now can’t renew your license?
- Or do you now live out of state and you can’t get a license in the state you are now living in because of a DMV hold on your license in California that is preventing you from getting a license?
- Was your ticket transferred to a collection agency GC Services and now you are being told your ticket is no longer with the collection agency GC Services but has been transferred back to the court? Are you facing a big fine?
- Do you need your license cleared up quickly?
If you are facing any of these situations please call us immediately at (310) 285-1516 to speak with a Los Angeles Traffic Attorney. We specialize in clearing up licenses quickly. We can help make these headaches and your frustration go away.
- We can clear your ticket up with the DMV so your license is no longer suspended.
- We can clear up any DMV holds or DMV stops on your license so that you can renew your license.
- We can help you get an out of state license if you have a hold on your license here in California.
- We can help you fight the big fines, DMV points and traffic violations you are facing.
- We also go to court for you so you don’t have to go at all saving you time and inconvenience.
- Is your license suspended because of a traffic ticket?
- Do you have a DMV hold or DMV stop on your license that you need cleared up so you can renew your license?
We specialize in quickly clearing up licenses. During this COVID Pandemic we are helping people clear up their licenses with the DMV in 2 days. Call us immediately at (310) 285-1516 to help you if you are having any problems with your license and the DMV such as a suspended license or hold or stop on your license.
If your ticket was transferred to GC Services and has been transferred back to the court, before you pay any court fines please call us. We specialize in helping people clear up their license without having to pay the huge fines they are facing.
We specialize in helping people who moved away from California clear up holds on their license so they can get a license in the state they now live in. Many people once they leave California can’t get a license from the DMV in the state they are now living in because of a hold on their license from an old ticket in California.
Do you live out of state and now have a traffic ticket you got in Los Angeles County holding up your license because of a Failure To Appear in court? Call us immediately at (310) 285-1516. We can clear up your license for you quickly, and we will go to court for you so you don’t have to come back to California.
Did you get a ticket for not having proof of insurance (VC 16028) but you did have car insurance at the time but just did not have proof of insurance with you in the car to show the police officer? And you are now facing a very high fine? Call us to help you get this charge dismissed and your fines lowered. A ticket for not having insurance (VC 16028(a)) is a very expensive ticket. Please call us if you got a ticket for not having proof of insurance (VC 16028(a)) so we can help you.
We can help! PLEASE CALL AT (310) 285-1516 FOR A FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION IF YOU RECEIVED A LETTER FROM THE COLLECTION FIRMS GC Services, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP OR Harris and Harris.
Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney
Call us to speak with a Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney (310) 285-1516 to learn how we can help you with any problems you are having with your license or traffic ticket.
See also :
- Fight your traffic ticket to learn why it is better to fight your charges and fines
- Failure to Appear (FTA)
- Failure to Pay (FTP)
- Points on your license - California DMV Point System