Expired rego or fix it tickets
Many people are given a traffic ticket for expired registration or a fix-it ticket; then after they get new registration from the DMV, or get the fix-it issue fixed or signed off, there is a common misconception that the matter has been taken care of and they don't have to go to court. Only they learn later that the ticket has not been taken care of:-
- They are now being charged with a failure to appear FTA
- Their license has been suspended or about to be suspended because of a DMV hold (VC 40509.5 holds)
- The fine has increased dramatically
- And the ticket has been assigned to a collection agency.
How to resolve your expired rego or fix it ticket:
Step 1: Renew your registration or fix the problem with your vehicle.
Step 2: Get Proof of Correction / get your fix it ticket signed off
Where to get your fix it ticket signed off
If, for example, you receive a ticket for a broken tail light and then you get the tail light fixed, you can take your car to any police station and if you show the police officer that the tail light has been fixed, the police officer will sign your ticket and usually stamp "corrected" on it giving you a proof of correction for your fix it ticket.
If you had to renew your registration, then take your new registration paperwork to any police station and ask the officer to provide proof of correction. The police officer will sign your ticket and usually stamp "corrected" on it giving you a proof of correction.
Fee for providing proof of correction
The California Highway Patrol does NOT charge for giving a proof of correction for your fix it ticket. Other Police Agencies usually do charge a fee to provide proof of correction for a fix it ticket.
Step 3: Get a dismissal
With the Proof of Correction you then can take the ticket to the clerks office or in front of the Judge to show that you corrected the violation and you then usually pay a $25 dismissal fee and that will take care of your matter.